Sunday, April 3, 2011

Seeing Through The Layers

Post colonialism: views or attitudes towards a specific race.

Back when the Europeans were fighting to expand their empires, many explorers landed in Africa to claim as much land as possible. While claiming land for the home country, many explorers met local inhabitants. The explorers traded and interacted with the Africans and told stories about them back in Europe. The explorers told stories that depicted the Africans poorly and caused the Europeans to have a negative image on them. Afterwards, Europeans then began to view everything European as good (e.g. being white) and everything African as bad (e.g. being black).

A recent example of post colonialism would be here -->

In that article, a bar owner publically put up a racist message on his sign announcing how "hispanics are criminals". The bar owner is saying that all hispanics are criminals because they sneak into the United States illegally. This is racist because it is a stereotype and it does not apply to all hispanics living in the US.

1 comment:

  1. Due to all the racism out there these days, I cannot say that I am surprised by the man who put up a racist comment on his bar bulletin; however, I am surprised by his comment: "No, absolutely not. I am just telling it like it really is". I believe that what the man said was completely unbelievable because I am positive that he can easily look on the streets and find a Hispanic person that was not a criminal. Therefore, I believe that people like Norman (the man in the article) should not only think before they speak, but should also stop making hasty generalizations about people.
